(508) 287-7484

NP House Calls of Massachusetts, LLC

NP House Calls of Massachusetts, LLC specializes in the care of the older adult. We are able to bring the medical office visit to your home. If you have trouble leaving your home for medical care, we have what you need.
Visits include assessment, diagnosis and management of acute and chronic illness (including lab draws, referrals for specialty care and prescribing medication), and wellness promotion. We are not offering RN skilled nursing visits at this time. This is Nurse Practitioner home visits, in person at your home. Offering primary care, transitional care and palliative care services.
Am I eligible for visits at home?
If it is difficult to get into a medical office to access your health care, then home visits are likely covered by your insurance in the same manner as a regular visit to your Primary Care Provider's office. Insurance companies have specific criteria for payment for house calls. House call visits are for patients that have this type of challenge with attending traditional office visits and not merely for convenience.
Currently only able to see patients within a 30 mile radius of our Middleboro office.
How often will I have a home visit?
As often as medically necessary. Most people have visits every 3-4 months for evaluation and management of chronic medical conditions. Episodic visits for acute conditions are also a reason for a home visit.
Do you accept my health insurance?
We accept many health insurances, including Medicare Part B, Mass Health and many supplemental insurances including Harvard Pilgrim, Blue Cross, Cigna, Commonwealth Care, Humana, and TriCare. Deductibles or co-payments required for medical services and are handled in the same way as a trip to a medical office.
Medicare Advantage plans (while they may be less expensive than traditional Medicare) often limit which providers you can see and the services you would be eligible for. In addition some will not cover Primary Care at home. Please contact your insurance plan to answer specific coverage questions.
Does NP House Calls of Massachusetts offer rehab services at home?
We refer to and work collaboratively with Visiting Nurse Agencies (VNA's) who provide home health nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists and speech therapists when medically necessary.
Can I still see my Primary Care Provider?
If you choose to. In some circumstances, NP House Calls of Massachusetts can act as secondary healthcare provider. Our Nurse Practitioners can advise your PCP during your course of treatment as well as consult with any specialty providers you have (as needed).
For patients that qualify for home visits, they often have not seen their PCP in person for an extended time frame, due to the limits on getting in to the office setting and many PCP’s encourage the transition to home visits. Please discuss any concerns you may have about whether this will be beneficial for you with your own PCP for their position on this type of care.
Medicare Advantage plans require that the patient select a PCP be named on his/her insurance card. If you have one of these plans, and have contacted your insurance company to clarify coverage, your NP House Calls Nurse Practitioner must be named as your primary care provider for the home primary care services to be covered.
Do you offer home health aid services?
Unfortunately not, but we may be able to refer for and make recommendations to agencies that can.
What areas of Massachusetts do you provide services?
Currently, we are able to see patients within a 30-mile radius of Middleboro, Massachusetts.
Are your services available 24 hours per day?
NP House Calls of Massachusetts is a house calls primary care practice accepting insurance payments for service. We provide primary care services in the home during business hours. After hours we do have voicemail and messages left should not be urgent in nature. For emergency services, patients of the practice should use services for emergency care such as hospital ER or Urgent Care. For non-urgent issues, calls will be returned during business hours. We are able to discuss this more in depth by phone upon request.
Do you provide services at Rest Homes, Assisted Living Facilities and Group Homes?
Yes, these are considered homes and qualify for home care as long as the individual is unable to independently attend medical appointments in the traditional office setting. We are unable to provide this service in long-term care facilities which operate under a different standard for care.
Are you able to care for patients with dementia or cognitive limitations?
We have had experience caring for patients with cognitive impairment and dementia diagnoses. We can provide recommendations and guidance in caring for patients with these conditions. If you have specific questions or concerns please contact us to discuss .
Do you provide URGENT visits?
We provide episodic visits for patients that we have established care with. For example, if we have already been to your home and set up Primary Care and you develop a health concern like a cough or a skin problem, call and you can have a home visit from a provider to assess the issue. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide URGENT or EMERGENCY visits.
What if I end up in a hospital or a rehab center, what do I tell them about communication with NP House Calls?
If you have already been established as a patient of NP House Calls of Massachusetts, please advise the hospital or rehab of this as soon as you or your representative is able. It is important for communication to be established early, to help ensure that information needed for care is shared. All contact information is listed within this website. In most circumstances we are able to communicate with these facilities and assist with the process of clear communication in transitions of care.
I am a referring provider/facility: How do I refer a patient to NP House Calls of Massachusetts, LLC?
Referrals for new patients can be sent either by fax: 669-350-1129 or email: nphousecallsofma@aol.com. Both methods are HIPPA compliant. Please include FULL NAME, Date of Birth, Address, Contact person's phone number and insurance information including ID numbers. Once you submit this information, it is cleared for billing purposes and then we will call you to schedule an initial visit. Please allow 5-7 days for processing/scheduling of new referrals. Questions regarding new patient referrals: 508-287-7484. Voicemail also HIPPA compliant.
Does NP House Calls of Massachusetts, LLC provide Geriatric Case Management?
Good case management is essential to navigate the health care arena in general. Most insurances do not cover intensive case management in Primary Care. We do make an effort to know the patients we care for and help to educate and inform our patients and caretakers regarding the care of the older adult and available options. If more intensive case management is desired we can discuss this further and either add on an additional service or refer appropriately.
How do I become established as a patient of NP House Calls of Massachusetts?
To determine eligibility ie- insurance coverage, needs of the patient, availability of a provider to visit etc.:Information required:Fax: 669-350-1129 or email:nphousecallsofma@aol.com
* Full Name* Date of Birth* Address where service is desired* insurance information including information on the cards (a photo front and back of the cards is preferred)* phone number of the patient or name/ phone number of the caretaker who is working on arranging the care
Once this is received, and insurance Is verified- you will be contacted to d a brief intake over the phone and if eligible, based on availability, a home visit will be scheduled.
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Sat: 9am-12noon
Sun: Closed
Evening hours are also possible for routine visits based on provider schedule availability.

Customer Reviews
Word of Mouth
My wife was cared for by hospice but now is not able to be recertified and we have no primary care provider. I can't get her into the office. NP House Calls has been wonderful with providing the care she needs at home.
Jake T.
My doctor retired. I am not able to get into the office to meet someone new. When I get out it is exhausting for me. I really appreciate NP House Calls and the home visits. I really feel heard.
Leanna M.
Cynthia has provided me with so much information and support. My mother's medical problems have prevented her from going for regular medical care at the office. Having this service at home has allowed me to keep her home and out of a long term care facility. I am so grateful.
Allison H.
I had not been to see my Dr. since before the pandemic and computers are not for me. I can get the care that I wasn’t getting before and I feel like I am getting what I want and need.
I have not been able to leave my home to get to see my nurse practitioner at the office. I have had the visiting nurses and that helped but the service was ending because she needed to see me in the office and I couldn’t go. NP House Calls came to see me at home and took care of the visit that I needed to continue to see my home nurse.
Wilfred J.
I am bedbound and have not seen my medical provider in the last 2 years. I am so grateful to have found NP House Calls of Mass. They have been able to help me to get the help I need.
Genevieve J.

Additional Consultative Services
Making decisions regarding “next steps in care” are difficult. We’re committed to helping you navigate the complicated healthcare system. If you are interested in consultative services we do offer a private pay hourly rate for this individualized level of consultation. This provides an opportunity to consult with a seasoned healthcare provider to discuss your situation and recieve non-biased information including available options for assistance at home. Before making the decision to sign on for home care services, hire private duty healthcare workers or move to a facility such as an assistive living facility or nursing home this allows you the opportunity to ask questions and to make informed decisions.To utilize this service please click the link below and a member of our team will reach out to you to schedule a phone appointment.
Appointments are billed at the 1/2 hour rate of $50.00.
Customer Service
This is one of our most popular services available. It’s made a big difference for many of our customers, and is provided with the highest level of excellence. With this service, we ensure all details are simple, seamless and handled in a timely manner. Whenever you work with NP House Calls of Massachusetts, LLC, you can trust that you’re in great hands.